Call me crazy, but some brides have been known to be so super-selfish about making it ‘their magical special dream day where they’re the princess’ that they forget about the guests entirely. It’s one thing to be a bridezilla, but it’s another thing to design a wedding that doesn’t have guests in mind.

Don’t be that bride.

While the day is about you and your partner, it’s also about sharing your love with others. So, how do you throw the wedding that you want and still think about the comfort and enjoyment of your guests? Below are five things that guests hate most about weddings – and our suggestions for great ways to design your dream wedding with you and the people you love in mind.

What guests hate most

…when it comes to accommodations

If you are throwing a destination wedding make sure there are plenty of options for people with various budgets near your venue. I went to a wedding in another country, where the bride wasn’t very clear with me about where I was staying. I couldn’t stay on property, so I ended up camping in a field with some friends. It was super fun, but so very last minute and not organized. Don’t be that bride.

…when it comes to (not) hiring a photographer

This can be a big chunk of your budget, but you need to hire or organize a photographer before your wedding with a backup in mind. Don’t be the bride who asks a friend at the actual wedding to photograph you. I’ve been that person, and it sucks. You can’t enjoy the food or the reception, and it’s simply not fair if you are invited as a guest. Also, don’t get so caught up in getting the perfect pictures that you ruin the experience of the wedding for your guests.  No, you don’t need to do a sparkler exit three times just to get that one perfect shot. No one is excited you’re leaving anymore, just get out already!

…when it comes to wedding food

The great food debacle; this somehow infuriates guests to no end. I guess because if you aren’t there for the booze you want to stuff your face. The etiquette:

  • Choose what you love, but keep at least some vegetarians in mind. You don’t have to serve pasta; you can go with a polenta waffle and veggie option for something fun.
  • If you are going for an epic photography session after the ceremony, you might want to do canapes. Guests get cranky if they are standing around a reception for three hours with nothing to do.

…when it comes to wedding favors

Wedding favors with your name on them, or crappy things that break because you got them for a $0.15 each (from a place that probably uses child labor) is a sure fire way to sincerely irritate people. Avoid paper things, things with dates, and cheap trinkets. Go for things that are edible or you that can incorporate into your wedding reception itself.

…when it comes to booze

One way to wreck a budget is to have an open bar. One way to make guests feel uncomfortable is to make them pay for every drink they have. Why not include this as a guest favor if you decide to do some classy booze. One signature cocktail per guest is a sweet idea and budget friendly, while you can also probably get a bottle of champagne per guest table at cost and keep it on ice for something sweet. Another idea is mini-bottles of wine or a bottle of beer per guest with a thank you note telling them to raise a glass with you! There are ways to make it awesome and keep it budget-friendly.

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