If it looks like Tom Selleck and David Hasselhoff are having a party in your panties, you might want to think about trimming things up down there for the big day. Everyone’s body is different. Some women can shave, some can wax, some can even use creams on the sensitive areas–but all of us wonder which method is best and will keep it hella tight down there for one of the biggest romantic nights of our lives. Have no fear; we’ve got your pre-wedding intimate hair care covered.

Samantha, Sex in the City pre-wedding hair care down there - weddingfor1000.com

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We Wear Short Shorts

I forever, for the rest of my life have the 80’s Nair jingle stuck in my head. I was 14, begged my Mother for Nair. Used it on my legs. To get them beach ready as we were leaving for Daytona at 6 a.m. My Mother made me an ice bath and that’s where I stayed the whole night before leaving for the beach. Why? I didn’t read the directions and shaved with the Nair. My legs were on ‘Fiya!’

I will warn all of you now: if your skin is sensitive, just don’t go there. These are your lady parts, and mine are special. I don’t want you or anyone melting them off with cream hair remover. Test a patch on your legs. In three days, if you didn’t get bumps or itchy–you’re good to use it on your hoo hah. But remember, I warned you.

The Big Wax Debate


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Know the difference between a bikini and a brazilian. Start early. Your waxing schedule will be every 4-6 weeks. Waxing is kinda painful. Sugaring is a little less. Either way you go, be sure to go a few times before your big day. That way you avoid bumps and rashes. Check reviews online. Ask around for referrals on social media. Check Groupon for sweet deals, too!

Shaving Made Simple

The quickest and easiest way to get a little fresh down there is shaving. Not just any shaving, there are rules.

You’ll need:

  • Shaving cream
  • Razor
  • Stick deodorant
  • Baby oil gel

You’ll want to use a shaving cream for sensitive skin or one that doesn’t have cooling in it like EOS Ultra Moisturizing Shave Cream. Your hair down there is course, so men’s razors give it a smooth shave. Try something like the Gillette Mach 3 for super smooth legs.

Lather up your area in the shower. Shave in clean swipes down toward your feet. Don’t pull up, because it can cause razor bumps or infected hairs and then you’ll think you have an STD. We don’t want that. Rinse to make sure you got all of the hair. If you didn’t, just go over it again. Towel dry your area and swipe on some Dove Sensitive Skin Deodorant. This will protect from bumps too. Over the next few days, use baby oil gel after you shower to keep it moisturized.

What to Do About Razor Bumps

While following the best shaving and waxing practices, you can still end up with ingrown hairs and razor bumps. To treat and prevent those, use Bump-Stopper or Tend Skin on the affected areas.

Need any other hair care ideas for the big day? Check out these adorable DIY bridesmaid hair styles and learn how to rescue your wedding day hair style when it fails!

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