a serious perspective by Brittany McComas 

Sometimes people get married for various reasons. One can be love and one a country. When it comes to getting married to someone from a different country there are some things you should know. Marriage should be taken seriously no matter what your reasons.

Don’t get me wrong, I nearly did it. I studied in the UK, lived and worked there for several years. England became my home. I hold that country just as dear as my own. A new government was elected and introduced new visa laws. Being one of those people who have lived under various visa laws and nearly married a foreign citizen, I thought it was something cool for our readers. So many people don’t know the struggle of moving to another country. It’s real, and you’re not alone.

Know What You’re Getting Into

My friend married an Irishman who she fell deeply in love with, she even took him home to meet her family–he just wanted a green card to stay in the U.S. He left my friend, and now has girlfriend (who is coincidentally is Irish). He wants to divorce my friend and go back to Ireland. The tragedy in marrying someone from another country is that your heart might be in it, but their heart is in the card. Forgive yourself if this happens, because you’re an amazing person for loving–period.

Prepare To Jump Through Hoops

Getting a visa is probably going to be one of the hardest things you have ever done. Also, you have to get the “right” visa. If you fill out the wrong paperwork and get deported, the government doesn’t care. They will not sympathize with you, and they will not let you have a “do over”. This happened to a couple I was friends with. She didn’t file the right visa. She filed a fiance visa, that only allowed her in the country for 6 months. So, by the time they married–her visa was expired and she was deported. Crazy, right?

green card weddings - cross your i's and dot your t's -- weddingfor1000.com

Dot Your “I’s” and “Cross Your T’s”

Visa paperwork is your key to the kingdom. The only thing that will get you that sweet piece of paper that says you’re a legal resident. Do not screw it up. Also, there’s no way around something on the list of things you need. They don’t care if you forgot to include a signature page. Immigration officers have one job, and it is not to help you figure out what you need for your application. My honest advice, check out forums with other immigrants to the country you are applying for residency. They will be a big help in answering questions. If you’re not sure, look for an immigration lawyer. These people will sincerely be your BFF, and can help ensure your application is iron clad.

When it’s all said and done, just make sure you double check that you have everything you need for your new country of residence. Know their marriage laws as well as immigration laws. It never hurts to quadruple check everything! For more ideas on how to stay sane while wedding planning, check out Five Ways to Reduce Stress While Wedding Planning or read more about our best wedding planning tips!

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