With the holiday season just ending, some brides might be freaking out about gaining weight. The great thing is: You don’t have to sacrifice the mashed potatoes, gravy, canapes, cookies, cocktails, sweet treats, gravy–what? Everything should be covered in gravy. Check out my sweet tips below on how to prevent holiday weight gain and keep from popping any buttons later on when it comes time to try on the wedding dress again!

Keep Your Sugar In Check

One of the biggest culprits of the fat hanging around your belly, bum and thighs is sugar. Cut processed sugars out of the picture and you’ll start to see a massive difference in your figure. One of my favorite things to do is swap sugar for substitutes and baking blends during the holiday season. Trust me–no one will know, so don’t tell them.

Sweet Potato Casserole

weight2**If you really want to watch your figure divvy things up in individual servings. Otherwise this all goes in an 11×13 glass baking dish. source

You’ll Need:

  • Four large sweet potatoes, peeled & chopped
  • ½ cup 2% Milk (or a low sugar milk)
  • ½ cup Splenda Brown Sugar Blend
  • ¼ cup light sour cream
  • 2 tsp. butter, unsalted
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. nutmeg
  • ½ cup pecans, chopped
  • 1 bag marshmallows (sugar-free)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Boil sweet potatoes until soft; drain. Add milk, Splenda, sour cream, butter, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mash until creamy. Fold into baking dish. Top with pecans. Add a layer of marshmallows. Bake 25-30 minutes until marshmallows are toasted.

Don’t Be Afraid to Replace a Few Meals

Forget lettuce. Sub out lunch for a one of my favorite things in the world: Quest Nutrition Bars (and powders). They have super low carbohydrates and taste ridiculously good. I’m a little obsessed with the Chocolate Brownie Bars, and the Strawberry Shake tastes like McDonald’s – without the sugar. I found these two years ago and I haven’t bought another brand since!  Replace breakfast or lunch, then eat a sensible dinner. Add cups of white tea throughout the day when you have cravings. White tea is a great fat blocker and can keep new fat cells from forming. Plus you feel fuller longer between meals.

Swap Processed Snack For Real Food

Eat clean and step away from the packaged cookies, chips and nibbles. Swap the white bread rolls for that killer sweet potato casserole if you’re gonna eat carbs this Christmas. Fill up on fiber-filled foods instead of empty calories.

Christmas Cocktail Swap

Cocktail Alternative: For those of us who can’t survive the holidays without booze. Do that swap thing and make yourself some of Paula Dean’s Eggnog with Splenda and low fat milk. Otherwise, check out my Fun & Festive DIY Holiday Bar for festive ideas and use sugar-free juices and such.

Get Your Groove On


Don’t forget to keep moving during the holidays. When the party music comes on, shake your groove thing! You’ll burn 443 calories per hour at that ugly sweater dance party! Take a yoga or pilates class to help you keep your muscles long and lean, and your core super-tight. Adding a class even twice a week can help you fight fat, and you can totally do a gift or sugar-free cookie swap with your new friends!

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